10 Risk Factors of High Body Mass Index (BMI)

High BMI risk factors

What does it mean when one has a high Body Mass Index (BMI)? Simply, it means that the person is overweight. So what are the risks factors of a high BMI?

1. Increased Risk of Infection post-surgery

Obesity (High BMI) will have an effect on the wound infection rate after any type of surgery. Individuals who have a condition that requires surgery, such as an infectious process, will have an increased risk of developing a wound infection after the surgery. Any surgical procedure does have a risk of infection. However, obesity increases this risk significantly.

2. Increased risk of arthritis in the knees and hips

Obesity (High BMI) will cause an increased risk of arthritis in the hips and knees. This is due to the significant strain on these joints that increased weight will cause. Joints will have normal wear and tear over time secondary to normal activity or secondary to previous injury. Thus, with the additional stress related to increased weight, arthritis is almost guaranteed to develop in these joints. And this will lead to significant painful knees and hips.

3. Increased risk of sleep apnea

The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea increases as BMI increases.

4. Increased risk of diabetes

High BMI is correlated with significant insulin resistance and subsequent development of Type 2 Diabetes. However, these individuals are often able to reverse their diabetes by decreasing their BMI.

5. Increased risk of blood clots

Sedentary lifestyle with decreased mobility is high risk for the development of blood clots in the legs. Consequently, blood clots in the legs can travel to the lungs causing a pulmonary embolism which is life threatening.

6. Increased risk of stroke

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are additive risk factors for stroke. A stroke can be completely devastating to the normal way of life.

7. Increased risk of gallbladder and fatty liver disease

Gallstones are extremely painful and can cause significant complications. Fatty liver means that you have less surface area in your liver working to do all the amazing things the liver does for your body’s homeostasis. You need your liver to live.

Fatty liver

8. Increased risk of infertility

Obesity leads to ovulation dysfunction which can lead to irregular menstrual cycles leading to potential infertility.

9. Increased risk of kidney stones

Studies have shown that individuals with a high BMI have an increased risk of this extremely painful process.

10. Increased risk of gout

Increased weight causes increased risk of hyperuricemia which causes crystallization in the joints and gouty arthritis.

There you have it. The 10 Risk Factors of High Body Mass Index.

10 Risk Factors of High Body Mass Index (BMI)