How To Know Whether You Have A Leaky Gut

Signs of leaky gut

You have been reading up on leaky gut. And you think you may have it. Then, you may want to start narrowing down the signs and symptoms. There are several signs of leaky gut that can lead you to your doctor for a proper treatment plan.

You may also find that you can manage the signs and symptoms and work towards handling it on your own, naturally, at least for a time. If you are wondering if your issues are actually leaky gut signs, then here are a few to consider.

Inflamed Bowel Syndrome

One of the first signs that you have leaky gut is inflammation in the bowel. This inflammation can first be misdiagnosed as a symptom of Crohn’s Disease. You will notice that you are having some pain in your bowels, sensitivity in the area, and overall pain and discomfort.

If you are having this symptom it is a sign that something is wrong, regardless of it being leaky gut or not. If it is related to leaky gut you will have other symptoms alongside this and all of them are due to the leaking of the toxins into your system causing havoc to the rest of your body.

Increased Food Sensitivity

Everyone has some type of food sensitivity. They may not like hot foods, overly spicy foods, certain flavors, and certain textures.

This becomes a sign of leaky gut when you start noticing it isn’t just your personal likes and dislikes. It also affects your whole body overall.

You may start noticing that pizza, for example, is irritating your stomach to a drastic level. That means you may be having adverse bowel issues, such as constipation lasting more than one day. Or, you may feel like bile is building up from it more than normal.

These are signs that something is not processing right in your intestines and could be related to leaky gut issues.


If you take supplements or vitamins daily and you have noticed that you are not getting the same benefit or feeling from them as before.

This could be a sign of leaky gut. Your body is not properly processing the vitamins and supplements you are taking. As a result, they leak out of the gut with the toxins.


Your body does not have the chance to absorb them properly and therefore it may seem like you need to take more or change brands.

When you do this often, you may start thinking they aren’t working anymore. This is usually due to as malabsorption and is directly related to leaky gut.

These are the three key signs that you very likely have a leaky gut.

If you find that these signs sound like your issues, then contact a physician to help with your treatment plan. You can also consider using natural ways to improve your gut health. Some supplements may also help with specific leaky gut issues.

How To Know Whether You Have A Leaky Gut